Muse Mosaic is a cutting edge application to create social event mosaics, or live event mosaics, or hashtag mosaics,
or whatever fancy name you will find on the web. The application reads pictures that people send to a hashtag address, and creates an
awesome mosaic from these pictures.
It's blazing fast in image positioning in the mosaics, it can autocorrect the colours in colour tone ('colorization') and blending with
the original. The result is a stunningly accurate, almost undetectable colour correction, where each picture seems to be kept intact.
Muse Mosaic will amaze your customers. It's fast and accurate, and it will create the competitive edge that makes your service stand out.
Some screenshots from Muse Mosaic's promotion video
Muse Mosaic is a stand-alone application that works under Windows or under a Windows environment in OS-X (mac).
After installation you can immediately start creating mosaic prints. The application is unrestricted and fully functional.
Unlicensed users will only see a DEMO text over the results, but otherwise 100% complete. For everyone.