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2. ASCII Art

ASCII Art: picture from text

ASCII art has a very long history. ASCII art in its purest form consists of text that is made with a monospaced font, like Courier (New) and Typewriter. Originally, ASCII art is made on a typing machine. Today, ASCII art is the only type of graphics that is instantly viewable on any terminal, emulation, or communications software. For examples and more information, please check out these popular websites: http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ and  http://www.ascii-art.de/ascii/  and  http://www.chris.com/ASCII/

ASCII art is not easy to make, and time consuming to do it right. Usually a minimum of characters is used to create a simple but graphically beautiful effect, e.g. for banner-text and e-mail stationeries. This is an example from a popular website ( http://www.ascii-art.de/ascii/t/tiger.txt):

  ( \                ..-----..__
   \.'.        _.--'`  [   '  ' ```'-._
    `. `'-..-'' `    '  ' '   .  ;   ; `-'''-.,__/|/_
      `'-.;..-''`|'  `.  '.    ;     '  `    '   `'  `,
                 \ '   .    ' .     '   ;   .`   . ' 7 \
                  '.' . '- . \    .`   .`  .   .\     `Y
                    '-.' .   ].  '   ,    '    /'`""';:'
                      /Y   '.] '-._ /    ' _.-'
                      \'\_   ; (`'.'.'  ."/
                       ' )` /  `.'   .-'.'
                        '\  \).'  .-'--"
                          `. `,_'`
                            `.__)  AsH/sk

With Textaizer you can create basic ASCII art, and the effects can be great if the user takes time and effort to prepare the original (source picture) and the chosen character set. Use our basic filters to tune the source picture or properly prepare a picture with e.g. Adobe Photoshop or any other cheaper solution, such as IrfanView.

The ASCII Art settings

Text options

  • Coverage is the degree of (surface) coverage by the ASCII characters. Moving this slider to the right creates a very thick and 'filled' result. The ASCII result may look fully 'typed in' and details can be suppressed. Moving the slider to the left creates a 'thinner' effect. The ASCII result will improve, but the bitmap result may look worse. In the example below the effect is clearly seen.

  • Variance is the amount of character variation. Textaizer calculates a 'top X' characters that may fit with the target picture. To create a more vivid result, Textaizer Pro randomly selects one of these top X characters. When the variance is low, the 'top X' is small (e.g. X = 3) and if the variance is hight, the 'top X' characters is large (e.g. X = 27). As a consequence a high variance may lead to a less fitting character, but can create a more vivid (variant) result. When the variance is set to 0 only the best fitting character is chosen (no random selecting from the 'top X' - or: X = 1).
  • Cut-off is the luminance threshold below which the text will be placed. A low cut-off will result in a full picture, while a high value will cut-off the highlights and leave only the darkest areas for the ASCII Art picture. The example below explains the effect.


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